Polina Bortini
Contemporary Art & Interior
My name is Polina
I am contemporary abstract painter, based in Moscow
Art has always been for me a way of expressing my thoughts and a way of communicating with the world around me. With the help of my paintings, I speak to the world much more accurately than I do it using human language.
Based on the compositional experiments of avant-garde artists and the “Dadaist” approach to artistic material, I returned to art as a pure form, free from concepts and imposed meanings.
Work with parts of household items and furniture, polyethylene and furniture, with scraps of old textured paper and chipped pieces of gypsum brings additional semantic layers to the abstract composition: becoming a part of a work of art, the thing changes its being, but does not lose its nature.
Voluntary refusal of figurativeness is dictated by the desire to discard all unnecessary and return to the picture the status of a thing, object, part of the interior.

2009 - Moscow State University, faculty of Fine Arts
2015 - SISAM Ravenna, Italy, Contemporary mosaics
2016 - Ravenna, Italy, Luciana Nutturni school. Micro mosaics

2010 - «H.O.K.U.» Gallery in cinema centre “Khudojestvenny, Moscow
2010 - Art Manej, as a part of Mikhail Alshebay collection, Moscow
2011 - «Polisemy» Art Gallery in Red October «Chocolate fabric», Moscow
2012 - The Fith China International Arts Festival (CAE), 2012, Beijing
2014 - «Geshtaltung» Museum of Contemporary Art named after Anatoly Zverev, Moscow

+7 926 855 58 27
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